Marine Invertebrates

BIO 377- Pacific Rim- May Session (May 27-June 14, 2024)

Course Description

Dive into the fascinating world of Marine Invertebrates, based at Rosario Beach Marine Lab and Deception Pass State Park. Explore the region's unique coastal ecosystems as you study the diverse and often overlooked creatures inhabiting its waters. Through hands-on fieldwork and engaging classroom sessions, you'll gain a deep understanding of the ecological importance of these marine invertebrates and their critical role in shaping the coastal environment. Field.

Learning Objectives

Develop identification skills to accurately recognize and classify marine invertebrate organisms common to the Puget Sound.

Understand the ecological significance of invertebrates, including their reproductive, physiological, and adaptive strategies.

Enhance fieldwork and observation skills by documenting and sketching marine invertebrates in their natural habitat.

Encourage reflection on the diversity of marine invertebrates as they reveal the beauty and complexity of God’s creation.

Professor: Steven Lane, Ph.D