Watersheds in Global Development

biol/geog 355 - Great Lakes - Summer Session II


Principles of watershed ecology. Includes principles and practice of community-based water monitoring and watershed management for developing and developed countries and data access and analysis using an online relational database and data-to-action strategies. Designed for students in science and public policy, including students interested in missions and development and agencies involved in environmental assessment and community development. (4 credits)

Field, Applied, Interdisciplinary.

Professor: Dr. Bill Deutsch

Meets: Wednesday & Friday


KNowledge Gained

Students will learn how a watershed functions ecologically, culturally, and socio-politically. This will include cross-cultural views of watersheds and a model of stewardship that has been developed after years of watershed-related projects in several countries. Watershed stewardship will be integrated into local-to-global cases of community development.

skills developed

Water Quality Monitoring Techniques & Data Analysis

How to Form Community-Based Water Monitoring Groups

Four Certifications of Community-Based Water Monitoring from Global Water Watch

Certification in Watershed Science from the Watershed Academy - US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Field Experiences

Rapid River Watershed intensive:

Field Measurements of Discharge

Discharge Measurements

Chemical Monitoring

Bacteriological Monitoring

Stream Biomonitoring

Grayling Stormwater Management Strategies and Tour