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Dr. Michael Ferber

Dr. Michael Ferber teaches our International Development and Environmental Sustainability course at Au Sable - Pacific Rim during Summer Session II. Dr. Ferber directs the Environmental Studies Program at The King's University College in Edmonton, AB where he also serves as Assistant Professor of Geography. Before serving at King's, Dr. Ferber was a Development Director at World Vision Appalachia in Philippi, West Virginia.

He has over fifteen years of experience serving churches and communities in poverty-stricken regions. His research has bridged creation care, poverty studies, sustainability, geography of religion and human/environment interaction. His publications include, among others, a sidebar in Senator John Edwards book Ending Poverty in America, a chapter on Sustainable Missions in the Evangelical Missionary Society's 2010 Annual Volume, and numerous encyclopedia articles on creation care and the environment. He enjoys working at Au Sable for numerous reasons, but especially for the depth of conversation and understanding the Au Sable format provides for students and professors.